There are universal principles that can help you manage any problem, including the problems of unemployment that seems to defy all solutions. Every living human being has problems. You do too. Learn how to manage them.
PRINCIPLE NO 1: Put your problem in write perspective. Many people could not overcome their problems today, not because they don’t have what it takes to outsmart the problem; but because their perspective about the said problem(s) is wrong. This is a major case with unemployment. Below are the wrong perspectives we can have about our problem which may stop us from overcoming them.
Þ Do not underestimate your unemployment problem. This is trying to beat the seriousness of your problem down.
Underestimation of your problem can also be further be separated into two ways as listed below:
I) Underestimation of the problem itself.
II) Underestimation of your potential power to cope with the problem creatively.
Many people in the unemployment trap highly do underestimate the problem itself. This is very dangerous as it will dampen your creative power to solving them. If by one way or the other you see a free food to eat and a shelter to sleep and wake up when in truth you are not doing any life sustainable job; then you are in a danger. You must get out of your comfort zones now before your problems become too obvious. It is time to take your problem as serious as it is and get ready to explore the unexplored territories to get those problems solve.
On the other hand, those who see and take their problems serious but underestimated their potential power to cope with it creatively are also in a trap. Unquestionably, many unemployment problems are never resolved effectively because the victims are not serious enough. Have you ever been guilty of accepting a negative result because you are weak and sometimes undetermined to rise up to face the challenge? Thoughts like:
a. “I’m not employed, but I am fine and OK”.
b. “I’m not getting it’s and it’s, but I’m passing”
c. “HIV is real, but I don’t need to worry. It will may hit others, but I am smart.”
Such thinking is very dangerous! To survive in this financial crisis time, we must avoid the temptation to underestimate the seriousness of unemployment problems that on the surface may appear slight. Problems are like pregnancy. They will grow until their dominance presence is undeniable. There is no pregnancy that is just a little pregnant. And no problem is unimportant enough to ignore.
Never underestimate your unemployment problem or your power to cope with it. You must know that any problem you are facing now have been faced and are still being faced by millions of people the world over. Your reaction to the problem as much as the problem itself, will determine the outcome. Face unemployment with a positive mental attitude, turning it into a creative experience. There are always great riches in darkness.
Þ Don’t make your problem seem worse or more important than it really is. This will be exaggerating your problem to draw sympathy and attentions to yourself. You are to understand your problem and put forward a positive plan so solving them, but not to exaggerate it by your instinctive, emotional reactions that will never bring any solution. The fact that you are still alive is a proof that there is hope. Play it down and pray it up. When you over-make an emotional noise about your problems, it may blindfold you even at the face of obvious solutions. Instead, pray it up to God and give him a chance to show you how the scars of your life can be turned into stars.
Are you currently without a job? Are you depressed to the point that you want to stop the world and get off? Maybe you are playing it up too much. Are you closing down your business? That is not the end of the world. You can start over again. Don’t be overly depressed. Depression is the deception that comes from seeing the world from your own perspectives. Stop expanding the depth, the length, and the breath of your unemployment problem. Pray it up to God, and then take thing easy.
We have the power to make any problem better or worse. We do this when we react positively or negatively about our problems. Don’t feel threatened by unemployment problem; threatened people become angry people.
a. Don’t submit your faith to fear of lack of job, fearful people reflect hatred,
b. Hatred and anger only makes your problem worsen. They are not positive reaction
c. Don’t hate yourself for not having a job that will not help one bit.
d. Don’t hate your company for laying you off. Likewise, don’t hate your country for not coming though with a job offer, or your family members for having an ‘ I-don’t-care’ attitude towards your predicament. Blaming someone for your problem is trying to shift your responsibility to others. You must claim responsible for the challenges of your life. Nobody is defeated until he starts blaming somebody else. The day you stop blaming somebody for your problems, is the day you will start winning. In my analysis of our national unemployment crisis, I found out that the “Fixing Blame” factor is a major hindrance to self-employment.
“The unemployed blames the economy and government policies”
“The poor blame the rich for their poverty”
“The uneducated blame their parent, uncles, community and government for their illiteracy.
People in problem tend to see everybody as the course, but not they themselves. My advice is “stop fixing the blame on people.” Sit down and “constructively fix your problems” if you’ve got a problem, don’t add to it. Don’t make your problem worse by blaming it on people, or by wallowing in self-pity, jealousy, cynicism, hatred, anger or lack of positive faith in your future.
God no longer drops manners from heaven; all he does is to bless every positive action you take with success. Waiting without doing anything is wasting without knowing. Patient is not a virtue if you sit back and wait for your problem to solve itself.
If you are unemployed, don’t expect the phone to ring or a letter to miraculously show up in your mailbox with job offers that you never strive for. Don’t sit down waiting for the government to telephone you and offer you a job. Don’t expect the company to call you and hire you if that happen, wonderful, but merely waiting for an employment offer without doing anything could be the worst thing to do. And employment problem have the build-in capability to grow more serious with the passing of time. To wait quietly for God to do something or for’’ a Messiah” to show-up for your rescue could give the problem time to multiply its negative fallout. To wait is to waste time and opportunities. If you want to escape the horror of unemployment, don’t wait for a job from any quarter. Task your mind. Come up with a vision, Tackle it yourself. A million opportunities abound where you are right now. Look so closer in the challenges faced by people around you. Wherever there are people; there, abound problems waiting for solutions. Discover it and unemployment will be a story. Everybody around you is seriously searching for a solution for a problem. If you can look into their problems and positively show up with a solution, they will pay anything to have it. Stop waiting and start acting.
Yes you can do it. Illuminate your mind with positive possibilities. Get smart and then outsmart your problem.
Ask right questions that will illuminate your mind into generating a right result. Ask yourself some questions:
“Is my problem unemployment or is it lack of fore sight?”
“What are the possibilities that surround me that I can positively proffer solution for?”
“Is my problem lack of opportunity or is it pride on my own side?”
If you think your business problem is finances, think again. Is it really finance, or is it a problem of mismanagement of what you have?” most of the resources you are looking for now is inside the fragments you are throwing away. Most people who think that they have money problem never believe that it is management problem that they have.
So, in trying to create solution for your unemployment problem:
Þ Identify the opportunities around you?
Þ Predict what this problem will do to you if you o something about it! This will motivate you.
Þ Outline what you can do with what you have now – that is, outlining your causes of action with the resources you do possess now. Those resources may be money, friends, your mind, your hand etc.
Þ Go ahead – Do it. Eliminate fear of failure and do it. Regardless of what people may think – do it. Not minding your personal limitation – go ahead and do it. It is better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing at all.
Remember, faith + action =Success!!!
It is not enough to work hard towards the achieving of a financial freedom, you must be properly directed. Not all input equals success. Success is not just a product of strength. If it were so, barrow pushers would be racking in millions.
“How do I get a job when I am unemployed?”
“How do I start my own personal business?”
The answer to the above question is like the answer to “how can I catch a bath?”
You know to catch a bath you must do the following:
Þ Go to where the bath lives
Þ Learn how to they can be caught
Þ Get the instrument ready and set.
Þ Know the right time they move
Þ Then you throw up your bait for a catch.
If can solve this puzzle of catching a bath, then apply the same method and catch a job. I once went to the forest in the heart of the night to tap Honey. The experiences I got from honey tapping have helped me in life. First you’ve got to leave your house, leave your comfort zone. Then lunch out to where employment and business opportunities do exist. Of curse, you must keep yourself updated with the technical knowledge and work ability factors that is required in the job or business. In life, don’t be ashamed to learn new a skill if it is what is required to set you free from unemployment. Make enquiries, ask questions.
Need a job? Go to where the jobs are. Put in your application. Let people know you are available.
Find a job the way you find a wife or husband. You are sure to find one. Discover the many different kinds, of job they are. Different job with different requirements. Look them over and play the field. Search the Internet. There exist many job opportunities that are advertised on the Internet. You can search for job in the net in two ways: (a) go to website that concentrates on job and employment opportunities. Sites like;, , etc. and many more. (b) Search on the companies websites directly. Many companies that suit your fancy may not place advertisement on the newspaper, T.V or Radio station. They will prefer placing the advertisement on the websites; they do this sometime for some targeted purpose. Just click on their sites and check their “career opportunities” for possible news. Many people have secure job from the Internet.
Be courageous, don’t let age be a factor; a change of career at forty maybe just what you need. Don’t tell yourself, “There aren’t many jobs. The few that are available will be snatched up by other people who are more qualified and smarter then I am. I don’t stand a chance”. Don’t get discourage, you do have a chance. You can find the job that’s best for you. Everyday somebody retire or quits their job. Everyday somebody dies and leave his or her job. Every weak people packs up to another city leaving a job behind. So every day, every week and every month there are brand new job opening, where they weren’t any before. The person who keeps searching through many medium, and plays the field is the person who is going to get that job.
In managing your unemployment problems, you must remember that often times the solution lies in help from some other person.
Everybody needs help in one way or the other. Do you need help in setting up your own business? Then ask for it. Don’t be too proud to tell people you need help. Telling someone that you need help might be hurting your pride. But you should rather chose to be successful that to keep to your pride. Humble yourself by honestly telling those who can render one help or the other to you. Tap into the kindness and help of people around you. There is hope waiting for you. Someone out there is looking at you who are willing to help. Just ask for it. Don’t excommunicate yourself from the helpers God have designed for your blessing. Discipline yourself to share your dreams, your hopes, and your need with others. You will be surprised at how help will come to you and your problem will be solved. In all things, pray to God for help. Talk to God in prayers even before you talk to men. God will never allow you to be put to shame.
Sincerely yours,
Edward Freedom C.
For more information write to . Please, visit for vacancies, jobs, career news and business opportunities you can start with little or no capital.
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